Transformational Times

When does self-doubt serve you?

gaining confidence Jul 07, 2024

Self-doubt is sneaky.

It can show-up disguised as second-guessing important life decisions, the fear of disappointing someone we care about, undervaluing our creative contributions in the world, or simply thinking everyone else has it all figured out (but us).

In response we hesitate, avoid, overanalyze or hide our uniqueness in ways that make it hard to be entirely genuine in our relationships or feel truly fulfilled in our own life.

None of this is helpful. 

But, doubt is also baked...

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Learning Your Self-Love Language

self-love practices Jun 02, 2024

Self-love gets a bad rap.

Mostly because the word love gets so overused. Particularly in contexts where it means so many things that have so little to do with the conscious, unconditional acceptance that self-love is all about.

For those of us with a tendency to over-give to others while taking only crumbs in return (see our May newsletter on self-worth), understanding, embracing and practicing self-love can be transformative. It increases confidence to pursue passions without fear of...

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Becoming Receptive

Over-giving is a thing.

It's so easy for sensitive, empathetic folks to fall into the trap of giving too much. In part because we care so deeply. Plus, we're often praised for self-sacrifice, even when it leaves us totally depleted.


There's a shadow side to our excessive generosity too. And it turns out that the roots of our over-giving pattern are the same as what drives some people to be 'takers'.

We all recognize takers – those who consistently prioritize their...

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What is your relationship with happiness?

opening to evolution Apr 07, 2024

As the dynamic energies of April ripple through the next 6 months of our lives, we’re being challenged to look more closely at what ‘being happy’ really means for us.

And we’re doing it, in large part, from the perspective of our soul’s deepest wound: the one we came into this lifetime to uncover, examine and make peace with...

We talk about making peace with our wound rather than fixing it because healing isn’t about pushing our painful past away,...

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Finding the Soy Sauce

deep listening Mar 03, 2024

A Story of Subtle Messages, Deep Listening & Self-Trust


My partner is a potato person.

That is to say: his day job is physically demanding (construction), so he likes to carb load at dinner time. 

I do not. (Super jealous of his speedy metabolism over here).

But on occasion we’ll mix it up and share some rice with our evening meal. Which, from potato guy’s perspective, requires soy sauce.

And not the light-weight, low sodium Tamari from the fridge. No no. Dinner...

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Feeling Your Future

transformation Feb 04, 2024

This month…Know that there are many energies being offered to you for the first time in your lifetime. It is a time being initiated now where each of you is being guided inward to know your own path and to understand that the future is unfolding with each step forward. It is not always easy to see the next step but it is for you to feel that future step. Seek the inner guidance that allows your own unique path to open before you.
Zora ~ A Soul Collective

What does it mean to feel...

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The Beauty of Breath

breath practices Jan 06, 2024

The top of our Visioning 2024 workshop page says, This is the year we trade certainty for trust.

If you think about it, that’s asking a lot. Because certainty is comfortable, familiar. It feels steady, stable, secure. Safe.

But now everything has changed. Nothing is as it was.

Our new reality is beginning to emerge from the ashes of the old structures that once held everything together. It’s birthing itself in real time from our own hearts and minds. The future is calling us home...

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Open to Awe

self-trust Dec 02, 2023

Being filled with wonder, open to the beauty and mysteries of life, may feel like a tough ask right now.

As our transformational marathon wears on, the overwhelm is palpable. So, it can be helpful to remember that, like any birthing process, it's a journey. Today's challenging circumstance is actually different from yesterday's. And most importantly, you are different in it.

Every up or down along the way shifts your perspective, alters your position, changes you. This path you're on is made...

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Surrender to the Dreaming

conscious dreaming Nov 04, 2023

So much has already happened. Yet so much more change is coming.

We're in the midst of a transformational marathon. Whew! Things often seem upside down, the ground beneath our feet suspiciously shifty. When very little around us makes sense, it can be really hard to find clarity, and even harder to know what to do next. The discomfort of this turbulent time can make us feel lethargic, anxious, overwhelmed. And our various distractions can become more tempting than ever.

But in...

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Attaining Grace

personal evolution Oct 01, 2023

This is a month to…see the beauty around you, whether in the harmony of your environment, your creativity, or your relationships. As one attains the grace of accepting the beauty that is offered in all parts of life, then that is reflected back to you in the beauty of your manifestations.   Zora ~ A Soul Collective

We've entered a time of accelerated personal evolution. Our heightened sensibilities are awakening, both individually and as a collective. As we move boldly...

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