

Soul-based Astrology & Energy Rebalancing

w/ Astrologer Valanne Ridgeway & Practitioner Sasha Korper

Transitions can be tough.

When we're ready to go to the next level — with our creative project, business or relationship, we often sense there's something more, but we don't necessarily have clarity around our best next steps, or the confidence to take them.

Being both smart and sensitive means we're extra careful about speaking our truth outloud or taking actions that might undermine our vision or disappoint others. Sometimes that means we get in our head, override our inner knowing, or second guess big decisions, falling into patterns of perfectionism, people pleasing, or both.

Align with the part of you that always knows.

To navigate change with grace, it’s helpful to consult a variety of trusted sources. Mentors, friends and colleagues are obvious choices. In our sessions we open up to universal energy, planetary guidance, and your intuitive knowing.

Astro-Clearing helps re-ignite that powerful partnership — between you and your inner wisdom, in service of your brightest vision.

Your astrological chart provides a kind of multidimensional blueprint for your soul’s intentions in this lifetime. It helps us see current challenges more clearly and identify the unique strengths and capacities you have to address those challenges in real time.

Energy work supports you to shed what doesn’t serve and consistently reconnect to higher frequency thoughts, feelings and actions. 

Working together we pinpoint the patterns impeding your progress, clear the blocks on your path and help you map out your next best steps with real confidence in real time.

Whether you’re up-levelling your business, reorienting a relationship, or making a creative leap, Astro-Clearing helps you get clear-headed, open-hearted, grounded and decisive in ways that feel deeply empowering and capacity-building.

This is for you if…

  1. Leading with your intuition makes sense
  2. You value your originality and uniqueness
  3. Change is a bit scary, and also exciting
  4. Innovative work lights you up
  5. You know there’s “part of you that always knows”

This is Not a fit for you if…

  1. Personal comfort is worth more than personal growth
  2. Regular, average or ordinary describe you well
  3. Happiness is when nothing changes
  4. You're most at ease following the crowd
  5. Self-reflection is only good for checking your outfit

Working With Us

In a group session…

Before we begin our first session, we spend a few minutes getting a general sense of your team and your vision — what’s working, what isn’t, what’s most important to you and where you see change is already happening or needs to happen.

Then we open with a brief mindfulness practice. It’s a potent opportunity for everyone to get grounded, reduce distractions, invite supportive energy into the space and set the stage for success. It’s a quick and simple way to bring a team together so we’re all on the same page going forward.

Next we spend time detailing your main concerns. This includes leadership perspectives as well as input from individual team members.

It may be surprising to know that your current challenges are usually visible in your astrological chart. And even more surprising that there are often commonalities between the charts of individual team members. Valanne will share valuable insights around how those challenges might be showing up for you and your team now and in the future.

During this discussion, Sasha clears trapped emotions and blocking beliefs associated with those challenges so you feel less weighed down and more capable of rising to meet them.

Then Valanne reviews the available charts for key strengths and supports, as well as specific directions to take that yield the greatest clarity and confidence around problem-solving, change-making, and practical next steps. From here we help you clarify your focus, setting fresh intentions or refining what you already have.

Sasha then balances the energies around your intentions and best next steps so you and your team feel inspired, energized and deeply committed to your vision, mission and path ahead.

On an individual level, anticipate feeling relief as you release the tension around showing-up in ways that don’t resonate with your deeper intentions, while gaining the immense confidence and self-trust that comes with freeing up access to a pool of rich inner resources.

As a team, enjoy improved communication, greater coherency and up-levelled capacities for collaboration and service to your mission once unconscious barriers are cleared, intentions aligned and individual focus optimized.

Schedule a 90-minute session or book a package to support your team project in a bigger way.

[email protected]


In a private session…

Getting started we spend a few minutes getting to know you and your current concerns — what’s working, what isn’t and what’s commanding your focus.

Then we offer a brief invocation to help us feel grounded and invite supportive guidance into the space. 

As your current challenges are usually visible in your astrological chart, Valanne will share what she sees and how those challenges might be showing up for you now and in the future. This helps you get invaluable perspective on your everyday experiences.

Concurrently, Sasha clears and rebalances your energy body for those challenges so you feel lighter, stronger and more capable of rising to meet them. 

Then Valanne reviews the key strengths and available supports that show up in your chart, offering insights on the specific directions that will help you feel clear, confident and determined on your path.

At this point we help you set a fresh intention based on your focus or refine the one you already have. Anticipate feeling a sense of relief as you let go of the tension around trying to show up in ways that don't feel true for you or to be something you're not.

Sasha then balances you for your intention and the inspired actions you plan to take so you feel fully supported and deeply connected to your vision, purpose and path ahead.

In every encounter with us, our lived experience of decades of personal development work and professional training rises up to meet you precisely where you're at so you feel completely seen, heard and understood as the sacred, gifted and magical being you truly are. 

Schedule a single session or book a package to more fully support your vision.

[email protected]

Valanne and Sasha are an unstoppable force. They have created a safe space to help the individual process their unique journey and connect with their inner knowing by using the tools of Astrology and Energy Rebalancing. So grateful to have these ladies in my life, they have helped with my growth in so many ways. Having them both in a session is a dream come true.

Brittney Brannen
Yoga Teacher

Astro-Clearing Sessions

Single Session  $220
$100 pp for groups
$90 pp for groups of 5+ 

3 Session Package $550
$80 pp for groups

6 Session Package $1200


Contact us to book: [email protected]

Reconnect the Vision

A multi-session group package

Ready to make a big shift in your organization? We'll customize Astro-Clearing sessions for your team to bring clarity to your communications, improve collaboration, and optimize each member’s creative input, while taking client relationships to the next level.


Session One Wade Through the Weeds

  • What’s working?
  • What isn’t?
  • What blocking beliefs are causing barriers to growth?
  • What’s undermining Team Harmony?
  • What fundamentals shifts need to occur for genuine course correction?

Session Two Establish the Blueprint

  • Revere The Vision, engage The Mission
  • Protect what works
  • Acknowledge human needs
  • Listen twice as much as you speak
  • Choose from a place of strength

Session Three Intend Your Future Forward

  • Putting intentions into practice
  • Creating an inspired action plan
  • Supporting The Vision & The Mission
  • DCF: Discernment, Commitment, Follow-through
  • How to respond to disappointments & delays

Additional Sessions Customized to Your Needs

  • Expand-out the session series in whatever ways best address your current project focus or support your individual team members

[email protected]

Align with Your Soul's Design

A six-session personalized package

Session One The Lay of the Land

  • Discover what’s actually happening vs what you think is going on in your life and with your area of concern
  • Identify the specific challenges you're facing 
  • Reconnect your head, heart and intuition to address those challenges more effectively from the perspective of your soul's intentions

Session Two Dive In

  • Get a wider and more detailed perspective on current challenges, ongoing triggers and unhelpful longtime patterns
  • Explore innate gifts, talents and strengths that can specifically address those patterns
  • Uncover the ways in which you innately navigate your world from a place of power rather than deficit
  • Receive a channelled message tailored to any aspects of discovery related to these challenges and how they're occurring for you

Session Three Deeper Dive

  • Explore from where unhelpful patterns or innate talents may have evolved and how best to work with them now
  • Look at past and current relationships, whether intimate, familial or professional and see how they impact ongoing issues
  • Receive an Other Life Insight single query session to gain salient details into your relationship with your unhelpful patterns and / or supportive talents

Session Four Looking Ahead ~ A Full Reading

  • Explore your Astrological chart from the perspective of the ever-changing planetary cycles
  • Gain a better understanding of the energies that you will be playing in over the next year
  • Optimize your ability to take advantage of opportunities being presented to you on your personal path
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how specific challenges support your own soul growth

Session Five Energy Integration Session

  • Get focused on your inner world and how it's impacting your outer relationships
  • Use insights from your Astrology reading to go further in your self-exploration
  • Unearth hidden trapped emotions and subconscious blocking beliefs 
  • Clear and rebalance outstanding issues and concerns
  • Sharpen your perspective to set new intentions and test areas for taking inspired action

Session Six Hold the Vision ~ Bringing it all together

  • Use your natural gifts, skills and soul purpose perspective to align with intentions that 'hold' or feel true for you
  • Map out inspired actions that fully align with your vision
  • Integrate actions with your soul's intentions and set a clear path with steps to walk-out your truth in everyday life
  • Ask up to three specific questions of our channelled guides to gain additional insight or direction on the road ahead

Step into this Magical Journey

Align 6-Session Package $1200 CAD
Contact us for details
[email protected]

About us

Sasha Korper

Energy Practitioner & Yoga / Mindfulness Educator

We live in transitional times, often feeling disconnected from our inner resources and divorced from our innate wisdom.  This is why Valanne and I founded Tools for Transformation: to serve smart, sensitive, women looking for practical ways to get out of their heads, let go of perfectionism and intentionally reconnect with their inner knowing.

Real change happens at the quantum level.

In the same way a sturdy foundation determines the stability of an entire building, rebalancing your energy body immediately realigns you with your bigger vision, mission and intentions.

Clearing trapped emotions, unhelpful thought patterns and unconscious blocking beliefs keeping you from accessing your innate talents and abilities, you'll experience a lighter heart, clearer mind and a more robust connection to your inner authority, unique voice and decision-making skills.

I look forward to bringing over three decades of professional experience into our session together.

Book a session or reach out with questions.

Valanne Ridgeway

Astrologer / Channeller 
Founder ~ Tools For Transformation

I am a certified practicing Astrologer (CAAE), and have mentored with a master energy practitioner for many years. I also channel a higher consciousness that describes itself as a ‘soul collective’, offering insightful guidance that consistently flows from a place of universal love.  

Using your natal chart I am able to ‘see’ your capacities clearly, identify your immediate challenges, and support you in shining your light more brightly in the world in ways that are most significant for you.

We may also draw a chart for your current business, program or creative project and assess its innate strengths and immediate challenges as well.

As we work together, you will gain insights that empower you to align to your highest potential, illuminating your most meaningful path and best next steps forward in your endeavours.

Reach out for more info or to book a Reading / Consultation.