Feeling Your Future

transformation Feb 04, 2024

This month…Know that there are many energies being offered to you for the first time in your lifetime. It is a time being initiated now where each of you is being guided inward to know your own path and to understand that the future is unfolding with each step forward. It is not always easy to see the next step but it is for you to feel that future step. Seek the inner guidance that allows your own unique path to open before you.
Zora ~ A Soul Collective

What does it mean to feel our way through to our future?

This February is offering up fresh frequencies for us to embody at a personal level.

The last time we all collectively experienced this type of intense change was almost 250 years ago (1778-1798), a time of massive revolution in society. And we're certainly seeing big pockets of civil unrest in our world right now. Even our planet's climate and geography are shifting.

But all true transformation begins within.

So, as we find ourselves at the start of these big celestial cycles, we can anticipate change touching us in very personal ways. At a foundational level, this means deconstructing the parts of our lives that disempower us. 

Often these are parts we hide, dismiss, ignore or bury. Immature aspects, parts we're ashamed of. Our ‘shadow’ parts.

Digging-in to bring those hidden aspects out into the light of day takes courage. It also calls for compassion.

Compassion for a hurt animal or child often feels easy, automatic. But self-compassion can be harder to access, particularly if your performance standards get in the way of even acknowledging you are struggling. Sometimes the highest achieving aspect of ourselves that’s always there for everyone else is the same part that disempowers us because of our resistance to vulnerability or an unwillingness to accept support.

That’s why RAIN, Tara Brach’s simple Radical Compassion practice, is so powerful. It begins with noticing. 

Self-compassion, like self-love, is a practice that can only come through a level of intimacy with oneself. Getting to know you, your needs, your deeper desires, is a good first step to feeling your way forward on your personal path this year.

Access the one-page free RAIN PDF here and enjoy Tara’s free RAIN guided meditation here.


Lori Wilson shared a special moment with us when she revealed that even after channelling her spirit guide for over 30 years...Grandmother still surprises her!

Indeed many of Grandmother’s regular listeners were taken aback when, in the midst of the most chaotic times we’ve seen in decades, with various wars raging around the world, Grandmother declared 2024 the Year Peace Reigns.

As Lori guided us through her signature interactive sketching meditation, she prompted each of us to consider these questions:

  • What does peace mean to you personally?
  • How does peace feel in your body?
  • What kinds of things keep you from experiencing peace in your everyday life?

Helping us to define, locate and more fully embody what Grandmother termed ‘orphaned peace’ was both calming and invigorating. She reminded us that peace resides within, and that rather than waiting for rescue from outside forces, we can act as a beacon for peace every day by actively cultivating that inner peace.

As always, after our time with Lori and Grandmother we felt more present to ourselves and our experiences, and clearer about how we can make a meaningful impact simply by standing firmly for who we are and what we value in a loving, peaceful way.

To enjoy a free daily teaching with Lori and Grandmother, sign-up here.

To purchase Grandmother's full Yearly Focus 2-hour webinar, The Year Peace Reigns, register here. InnerWisdom Circle members use your special coupon to get free access to the Yearly Focus.




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